
Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Symbol of Aceh

map of Aceh

Province was already renamed 4 x, which was initially named Aceh Darussalam (1511-1959) next to the name of the once called Aceh special region (1959-2001) and the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (2001-2009) and became the province of Aceh (2009-now) is the westernmost province in Indonesia. Banda Aceh, Aceh's capital is

Aceh province autonomy rights provided special area of Government of Indonesia due to the base's history. Aceh is often called the porch of Mecca, since islam first entered through this area. The Kingdom of Samudra Pasai was the first Muslim in Indonesia (around century 14) King of the Iskandar Muda.

Heroes of Aceh
During the colonization of the Netherlands, took place in Aceh War (1873-1942). This war is cited, the costliest war in the Netherlands/colonizers. Famous figures during the Aceh war among others, Tengku Panglima Polim Cik di Tiro, Teuku Umar, Cut Nyak Dien, and there are many other heroes who do a resistance against the Netherlands colonizers cruelty.

Tsunami Aceh
In 2004, on December 26, 2004, Aceh province suffered a natural disaster all-powerful i.e. earthquake and Tsunami Waves give rise to 300,000 inhabitants of the Acehnese to drift and also severe damage around the coastline of Aceh that resulted in the wheel of life Acehnese deactivated. However, the people of aceh have finally recovered after the earthquake and tsunami. Although still leave traumatized citizens left by kin who become victims of these disasters.
Aceh's economy, fishing is one of the important pillars of economic growth in the province of Aceh; There is also a field of industry, in Aceh are PT. ExxonMobil (Natural Gas), PT.Arun (Natural Gas), PT.AAF (ASEAN Fertilizer), and other industries; Mining; The tourism sector which became the flagship of Aceh is Weh (the westernmost Islands in Indonesia), there are also various museums in Aceh.

Saman Dance
Art and cultural Aceh. Aceh was inhabited at least 10 ethnic groups, and to make Aceh province has diverse arts and cultures. The most famous dance is the Saman Dance; It is the traditional weapon from Aceh; Aceh has a wide array of food, for example the famous tasty foods, among others, timphan, duck Coconut Curry, Curry goat, Curry was delicious and meuseukat that U Pliek rare

So my post about the province of Aceh. If a lot of flaws, please be advised due to my own is the Javanese people J


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