
Friday, June 29, 2012

About Computer

  •        Definitions a Computer
1.     The computer is a tool that is used to manipulate the data according to the procedures that have been formulated. by wikipedia.
2.     A computer is an electronic device that can calculate or automatically manipulate the data carefully instructed by, and give the results of processing, as well as running a multimedia system. By Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia.
3.     The computer is a series of electronic machine which consists of thousands of components that are integrated so that it can cooperate with each other, as well as forming a work system carefully and neatly. These systems can then be used to carry out a series of job sequence automatically, based on the instructions, or programs that are given to him. By Burhan Rizki Pradika.

  •       Computer History
1.  The computer languages derived from latin meaning count.
2. The inventor of the computer was Charles Babbage is an United Kingdom. He was born on 26 December 1792 and died on 18 October 1871.

3.   History the development of computers.

·        Computer first generation (1940 - 1959)
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) and EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) creation of Dr. John Mauchly and Presper Eckert.

·        Computer second generation (1959 – 1964)
Already using high-level programming languages such as Cobol & Fortran.

·        Computer third generation (1964 – 1990)
Appear type the smallest computer microcomputers and popular as Apple II, IBM PC and Sinclair, appear language pemrogaman new namely basic.

·        Computer fourth generation ( 1990 )
The creation of the supercomputer

·        Computer fifth generation
Is the current computer.

  •    The computer section

The computer consists of two major parts, namely software and hardware.


·   Basic Program on a computer that connects users with computer hardware. Commonly used operating systems are LINUX, Windows, and Mac OS.
·  Computer Program or system installed for additional applications and to optimize the work computer.
·     Proccessor or CPU (Central proccessing unit) as a unit of processing data
·     RAM, store data temporarily.
·     Hardisk, semi-permanent storage media.
·    inputs, the medium used to enter data to be processed by the CPU, such as a   mouse, keyboard, scanner, webcam, etc.
·    Output, the medium used to display the output of the CPU processing, such as monitors, speakers, projectors, printers, etc.


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