
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Assembly / Perakitan

In his second post, we will learn about the Assembly of the computer. I as a student of Public Vocational High School 1 Cilacap TKJ skills program (computer engineering and networks) my post this time original based on the science that I could when I was at level 10, I got about this computer science Assembly from my teacher named Bambang Irawan S.Kom. He graduated from STMIK AKAKOM Yogyakarta where I do PRAKERIN (work practice Industry). Just go ahead and sign in to our discussion of the Assembly of the computer. The first step is to prepare the tools, namely:
1.     Power Supply
2.     Matherboard
3.     Casing
4.     Proccessor and Fan
5.     RAM
6.     CDRom
7.     Hardisk
8.     Monitor
9.     Keyboard
10.  Mouse
11.  Power cable
12.  Data cable
13. VGA cable
14. Thermal grease
15. Sandal (for security worker)
16.  Screwdriver
17.  Bolt

After all the tools ready, we will start assembling a computer do not forget to pray and use slippers not stung electric

We will start assembly a computer.

1.     First, plug the power supply in the casing.

2.     Then matherboard processor in pairs. Must be careful in laying on socket, processor after attached liquid dab thermal grease

3.     Then plug the fan on the processor.

4.     Next set the RAM slots.

5.     After that set on the matherboard casing with a bolt and a screwdriver.

6.     Set the CD-ROM and hard drive in the chassis.

7.     Next we headed for the setting of power cable and data cable. On the power supply there is a lot of power cable,
8.     first we set the ATX cable or AT.

9.     Then plug the power cable in CD-ROM and hard drive.

10.   Next, pairs of data cord connecting a cd-rom and harddisk motherboard with. To a CD-Rom use cable IDE, get between port at each periperal,

11.   while for Harddisk, usually using cable SATA or cable IDE.

12.  After you set the small wires that are often referred to as front panels, serves to activate the power button and the reset on the front casing.

13.  Then, we close the bolt and was with a screwdriver. Prepare monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

14.   First we install the VGA monitor cables on the motherboard that are behind the casing.

15.  Then plug the cable PS2 keyboard and mouse PS2 ports on the motherboard, DON'T GET  MISTAKEN!!! but the report, there is usually a small image of the peripherals.

16.  The final step, we're going to turn on the computer. Connect with CPU socket on the wall by using a power cable, as well as with monitor.

17.  And finally, press the power button on the front of the chassis. The important rotating fan, can we successfully secured the Assembly :D

This is tutorial video by youtube

by :

1 comment:

  1. keren gan artikel mengenai perakitan perangkat-perangkatnya...
    blower hp


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